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PUBLIC MARKS with tag "unit test"


Unit Testing Custom Code with the Dojo Objective Harness

by chantal (via)
Many Dojo developers are aware of the Dojo Objective Harness (DOH) that the Dojo Toolkit uses for unit testing. Many people, however, want to use DOH for testing their own code or even non-Dojo code that they have written. While DOH has always supported this, there currently aren’t many examples of doing so. Let’s see if we can help that out.

EclEmma - Java Code Coverage for Eclipse

by Elryk
Le plugin eclipse EclEmma utilise de manière sous-jacente le produit de couverture de test Emma et permet ainsi d'obtenir un retour concernant la couverture de code immédiat à l'intérieur d'Eclipse. Le plugin est étonnamment simple et puissant.

Testing with CakePHP 1.2 - A preview - cakebaker

by esion
Full testing app ... but out of date :(


Unit Testing in PHP

by chantal & 1 other (via)
Testing is an essential aspect of developing in any programming language. If you don't test your source code then how can you verify it works as expected? Manual testing can only be performed irregularly and usually only in limited ways. The answer to testing source code regularly, and in depth, is to write automated tests which can be frequently executed. In PHP such tests are usually written using a unit testing framework, a framework which allows the source code of any application or library to be tested as isolated units of functionality such as a single class or method. As unit testing has gained popularity, it has become a standard practice in PHP with libraries and frameworks such as Swiftmailer, the Zend Framework and Symfony all requiring unit test coverage of their source code.

SimpleTest - Unit Testing for PHP

by chantal & 1 other
The SimpleTest PHP unit tester is available for download from your nearest SourceForge. It is a PHP unit test and web test framework. Users of JUnit will be familiar with most of the interface. The JWebUnit style functionality is more complete now. It has support for SSL, forms, frames, proxies and basic authentication. The current CVS code should become the 1.0.1 release real soon now and includes file upload and many small improvements. The idea is that common but fiddly PHP tasks, such as logging into a site, can be tested easily.

Unitils - library for enhance unit test by using annotation approach

by hai79
Describe how to extend the unit test features by adding new annotation. I also provide an example of writing the Ldap operations unit test using custom module of Unitils testing framework

Enhance the Unit test using Annotation approach

by hai79
This blog discuss the benefits of using the specific class of JUnit4 that helps developers can custom the way of running unit test, user can reduce the test code, increase the re-usability by using Annotation

Unitils - the excellent unit test library

by hai79
I am developing the Wicket application using Spring, Hibernate. I use Wicket tester module, JUnit4, EasyMock and DBUnit for writing test code. While writing test code, many lines of code writing for set up test cases and they are re-used across test cases. The new unit test framework names Unitils helps me a lot in configuring the database unit test (DBUnit, Hibernate) also the service unit test (Spring, EasyMock).


Unit Test Patterns

by Regis & 2 others
The idea of unit testing seems to always evoke a strong reaction in people. For those that buy into the concept, they have unanimously stated that good unit tests are difficult to write, and some question whether the tests they have written were really worth it while others rave about their effectiveness. On the other hand, there is also a large community that guffaws at the idea of unit testing, especially the concept that "the code is good when it passes the unit tests". When all the hoopla dies down, unit testing may one day be relegated to the dusty shelf of "yet another programmer tool". If this fate is to be changed, unit testing has to be embraced by both the community and the tool developers. The next version of Microsoft's Visual Studio will include tools to automate refactoring. It seems obvious to me that tools that automate unit test generation would not only address some of the issues concerning maintenance and cost, but would also introduce the concept to a much wider audience.

JFunc: JUnit Functional Testing Extension

by Regis & 2 others (via)
Functional testing, or integration testing, is testing concerned with the entire system, not just small pieces (or units) of code. For those interesting in unit testing, JUnit is currently the premiere unit testing framework for Java software.

Programming as a Specialist Doing

by YukuanBlog

An Array Implementation of Queue

by YukuanBlog
Embedded System 程式開發, queue 是很常用的資料結構: UART 在接收及傳輸資料時,通常各需要一個 character queue;在處理 keypad 的按鍵輸入時需要一個 key queue ;task 間的溝通,也可能要用到某種 event queue 。

A Unit Testing Toy

by YukuanBlog
Unit Testing 的 framework,最早是由 Kent Beck 在 Simple Smalltalk Testing 中提出的。隨著 Java 的流行,及其和 Smailltalk 的相似性,Kent Beck 又完成了在 Java 下的 Unit Testing framework -- JUnit 。隨著 Extreme Programming 的熱門,以及 test-driven development 在實務上的成功,現在幾乎各種程式語言都有它們的 Unit Testing Framework ,大家都來 Unit 一下,被通稱為 XUnit。